Friday, August 17, 2012

Entry #4

The Glass Castle is the title of this memoir. It refers to a house that the father of this memoir decided to build. He made promises to his children that he will build it and they will live happily. The time never came for them to build the "glass castle" due to a rare deadly disease that the father, Rex Walls, had. He soon died after discovering he had this disease. The blueprints for the glass castle were carried by either the father or Jeannette wherever they went. I think that they have lost a lot of money in trying to invest in the glass castle.  The Glass Castle got its name from the fathers determination to build an actual "glass castle".

Entry #3

The children Jeannette, Brian, Lori, and Maureen created a life for themselves on their own. They portrayed determination, hardwork, strength, and optimism throughout the whole memoir which led to successful lives for all of them. I admire Jeannette for supporting her siblings and always working hard in trying to please her family; she put her family before herself at times. I think that if it wouldn't have been for Jeannette's determination to send Lori to New York, none of the kids would have succeeded as much as they have in their lives.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Entry #2

The Glass Castle portrays poverty from a childs point of view (Jeannette). Poverty has caused the parents to only think of money, blinded the parents, Mr and Mrs. Walls and has made them very selfish. They do not see that their children are struggling beyond measures to support each other and live a life where they fit in. For example, Jeannette's father made her bare sexual actions that Robbie did to her, instead of being a normal father and trying to prevent this. He did this in his greed for money. I think that this is not acceptable; if they can't provide and respect the children then they should consider a foster home. My reaction to this was disgusted at the fact that he did this to his own daughter for money and even then that money was only going to go towards cigarettes and beer.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Entry #1

The Glass Castle is a very interesting memoir from a child's point of view, in which she tells about her disgraceful upbringing and unconventional childhood. You will be astounded by her perseverance throughout the book, along with her bravery during rough times. She's the only one that supports her father in everything he does, yet he's the one that questions her innocence. She's the one that has to prove the innocence of her and her siblings. For example, when the incident with Erma and Brina occurred; when Erma tried to "feel" Brian, her father thought that they were making things up. Jeannette had to prove their innocence by trying to persuade her dad that they were just protecting themselves. Even when she attempts this he refuses to listen. I think that he should have listened to her too and not only his mother. I believe that just because he lives in her house it does not mean that he should let these terrible incidents occur.
I believe that The Glass Castle is truly a significant memoir, that everyone should read.